whaT Is tonIC?
According to the Webster’s dictionary, tonic refers to a medicinal substance that is taken with the intention of giving a feeling of vigor or well-being.
At Tonic Beverage Company, we’ve improved on that idea with our high-quality (pun absolutely intended) cannabis-infused beverages. Tonic is an invigorating alternative to traditional edibles!

AN ALL New, Effects-BaseD
Introducing Tonic+ an all-new effects-based line of cannabis infused beverages.
Get a great night’s sleep with our brand new 4:1 Grape CBN flavor with 100mg of THC and 25mg of CBN per bottle. Rest, relax, and restore with Tonic+’s new sugar-free and naturally flavored formulation that tastes so good it’s sure to become your new favorite bedroom activity.

There’s a type of Tonic for everyone!
Tonic OG 12oz
Tonic Fizz
Tonic Frost
Tonic Fizz Shorties

whY ChoOse tonIC?
It tastes great and gets you high, but if you need some more reasons…
1. it tastes great
2. it’s made to share
3. it’s easily dosed
4. it works quickly
we’rE makIn’ moCktaIls
The best way to enjoy Tonic is with friends. Use Tonic to mix up some delicious and perfectly dosed mocktails!
Need some inspiration? Check out our recipes for some tasty beverages made with your favorite flavors of the original Tonic and Tonic Fizz.